About The Magestik Traveler

Welcome to the Magestik Traveler. What exactly is this place? Why is majestic spelled wrong? Who are you? Well let me do my best to answer a few questions.

My name is Matthew Klem and I have been blogging since 1998 but The Magestik Traveler came to be in March of 2018. I’ve been a huge fan of travel since my  early 20s but really got into the swing of it in 2006 when I took a job that had me traveling all over the world. I’ve written countless blog posts on my personal blog, Bob’s Room, about travel for years, but recently decided to move all of my travel related writing to it’s own blog. I came up with the name “Magestik” as both a nod to the beautiful places I have seen around the world but derived mainly from the letters in my full name (Matthew George Stephen Klem).

I live in Riverview, NB, Canada with my wife and two kids and am really enjoying the opportunity to see the world bit at a time. My history of travel really started with a road trip to Toronto from Moncton in 1995 to see a concert. I followed that a year later with a trip to NYC to see a taping of David Letterman. A year later I drove to California and back. Those three trips set in motion my desire to try and explore the world outside of my home even more so.

Since then I have been fortunate enough to be able to visit places all over the world both as part of my job and personal vacation. As a software instructor teaching technical concepts mainly to law firms all around the world, I spend most of my work time traveling to the US, but I do get the opportunity from time to time to travel outside of North America. Every time I go somewhere new I do my best to try and explore all that area has to offer. Not all locations are exotic, and when I travel for work it’s harder to find time to see the sights, but I do my best to absorb everything I can.

I’m not a typical traveler in that I don’t find typical “vacation” spots to be all that interesting. That’s not to say I wouldn’t travel to places like that, but for me, I’d rather go somewhere where I can see and experience things that are very different from what I have at home. A trip to Jordan a few years ago still sits at the top of my list of places I have been in the world, yet so few people would ever think of it as a place to visit.

It’s those kinds of adventures, and all kinds of other travel related stories I am hoping to share with you via this website. So whether it’s a tale about getting mugged by a seagull in Sydney, or getting hit by a motorcycle in Mumbai, or tips on how to travel like a pro, I’m hoping to share it all here.